Find everything tradable on Quantfury app – My Quantfury Tips
|Learn how you can find everything tradable on Quantfury app. My tips for new Quantfury users. Read this article and learn how to find everything tradable on Quantfury app.
- Go to the top of the screen, click the search icon
- Just type the name: crypto, stocks, ETF, forex, commodities and all instruments traded in that category and available on Quantfury will be listed.
Video – Everything tradable on Quantfury
Finding everything tradable on quantfury
You downloaded and registered with Quantfury app. Next, you topped up your Quantfury app wallet with 100$ worth of BTC. You are ready to trade and now you are greeted with the Watchlist selected for you by Quantfury.
But you want to make your own Watchlist or check what is available to trade on Quantfury app. It is quite simple. Just go to the top of the screen, click the search icon. Type for a financial instrument you are looking for. Also in the search results, you will find five most popular user searches.

You want to see all crypto pairs, stocks, ETF, forex pairs, and commodity futures traded on Quantfury app? Just type the name: crypto, stocks, ETF, forex, commodities and all instruments traded in that category and available on Quantfury will be listed.
To make your own Watchlist with instruments you like or check what is available on Quantfury to trade, always use the search function. Also, you can add it or remove it right from the search results.
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