Running Harmony Pangaea node from Windows
|The first idea was to run Pangaea node from Windows using Docker. It is still can be done but is way too overcomplicated and clumsy. When you can simply install Ubuntu 18.04 on to Windows an run it natively.
For a start, useful Harmony Pangea links to check your node status:
Pangea Wallet balances –
Pangea Network Status –
Wallet transactions:
To send from wallet to wallet using this command in one line below. If you want to send me a transaction. My wallet address: one1tvmeh3xdj37dnlacp9jstj04dvk9v3rnajxfra
./ -t transfer --from one1tvmeh3xdj37dnlacp9jstj04dvk9v3rnajxfra --to one1tvmeh3xdj37dnlacp9jstj04dvk9v3rnajxfra --amount 10 --shardID 1 --pass pass:
You will need your address. You must send a transaction to some on your shard. Find it with the ./ For the list of wallet, addresses go to
Check Pangaea node health
Run each line
wget chmod u+x ./
Guides: Pangaea raw data for the network page, JSON and CSV formats. Here are the links:
Below you will find the original article on how to run the Pangea node from docker.
Running Pangaea node from Docker
First things first. You must start the docker. Since my mining rig uses an older cpu I had to run Docker Toolbox. But this guide works for Docker Desktop. Just the same. So just go and install one of those with default settings.
Also, get GIT and install it before anything.
If you are running Docker Toolbox run Docker Quickstart Terminal after you install docker. Later you can docker from CMD.
Running docker
First, let’s get ubuntu. Type:
docker pull ubuntu
Next, let’s start the image we just downloaded. I am no Docker expert but this managed to get my Node running. Type:
docker run --rm -it ubuntu
Remember to commit changes after you completed running your node for example:
docker ps - find your instance ID docker commit your-instance-id your-desired-image-name docker commit 37c2fd91de06 ubuntu_pang
Before anything is recommended to update your system.
apt update && apt upgrade
Download all the packages you will need. This will install 6 packages in total.
apt install curl wget psmisc dnsutils tmux iproute2 -y
Make a new directory to store your Harmony keys with the following command
mkdir -p ~/.hmy/keystore
Now type in the following commands
curl -LO chmod u+x ./ -d
Now, let’s take a break from our terminal instance. Please keep it open, we will still use it later.
Remember the keys you downloaded from the coupon code? The zip folder should be in your downloads.
Now we will unzip your
Once you have unzipped. Go into the folder keys
that is newly created and drag the 2 files into the Downloads folder.
In the screenshot below. You can see the 2 key files have been moved from the Keys Folder to the Downloads Folder
Now open another terminal window. Not the one connected to your instance! This new terminal window will be used to copy your keys from your local machine to your Vultr instance.
For the local terminal. You should use gitbash. You can download it here
Lets cd
into your terminal so it is in your downloads folder.
Find your docker IP just type ip a in docker window.
scp UTC–2019-08-04T01-22-****** root@
Next. We will begin the actual copying of your keys from your local machine to your instance.
scp <WALLETID> root@<INSTANCEIPADDRESS>:/root/.hmy/keystore
- <WALLETID> the wallet file that is in your downloads folder. Example: UTC–2019-08-04T…
- <INSTANCEIPADDRESS> the instance ipv4 public IP. Example:
- Remove <> when you enter in your information.
- <BLSKEY> the BLS key file that is in your downloads folder. Example: 883fd0b
- <INSTANCEIPADDRESS> the instance ipv4 public IP. Example:
- Remove <> when you enter in your information.
Step 3 : Launching your Node
Now lets go back to your terminal that is connected to your vutlr instance. Create a new virtual terminal session in tmux. This will hide all of your past entries to the command line:
tmux new-session -s node
Fetch the node script from our Github.
Change the permission of the script:
chmod u+x
Next, we are going to download the script to launch your instance on Pangaea
./ -t
Now press enter. Once you do, it will ask for a passphrase for the BLS key file. Harmony does not have a password for the BLS key, so all you need to do is press enter and it will start to run.
If you are joining after the network has been up for a while, it will take some time for you to sync to the latest block. Be patient and keep an eye out for a message that says “Node is now in sync
Next, we will use a hotkey to detach tmux and to return to your terminal. First hit “Ctrl+b”, then hit “d”.
In the case, you need to go back to your tmux session. Use the following command in your terminal to hop back to tmux
tmux attach
Now we will check the functionality to ensure you are connected:
grep -i "bingo" latest/zero*.log
These take time to generate, repeat this command to see how times your node helped to reach consensus.
Now let’s check the balance of your account to make sure you are receiving block rewards. Enter the following command with your “one” address:
./ balances