How to buy TubeBuddy Star License with 70% Discount with a Coupon Code
|Owning a Youtube channel is a bit of a chore if you have hundreds of videos. So here comes in the TubeBuddy and saves the day.
I wanted to buy a TubeBuddy star license and searched for a coupon with a 50% discount. Found it! Got a 70% discount! Decided to share my luck with everyone else!
TubeBuddy Star license coupon Video
One of the main reasons for making this. That my followers can get a great discount and also use my referral link in the process 😊.
Of course, if you are searching for this coupon you already know what it is and what it does. So I will not bore with the nitty-gritty. And for those who stumbled upon this glorious article by accident read this promotional quote:
Your best friend on the road to YouTube success. TubeBuddy is a FREE browser extension & mobile app that integrates directly into YouTube to help you run your channel with ease.
Offical page.
The main key points for the software:
- Advanced Keyword Research
- Reducing Publishing Time
- Ranking Higher in Search Results
- Getting More Views and Subscribers
The tutorial
There are two different paths to this. If you already are a service subscriber and paying customer. For example, I bought a lifetime Pro plan. This coupon code will work and that is it.
But if you did not pay for a Pro level account and still using a Free tier account. The coupon code might not work. Because it’s described as a coupon for existing customers.
So the coupon code for Tubebuddy is: RepeatBuddy

Trying to grow a channel can be difficult but I have found that with TubeBuddy It just makes my work so much faster and allow me to focus on what’s important, creating content! Canned Responses allows me to set up some pre-defined responses like welcome messages, thank you responses, recommendations to my content so if you are trying to engage with your subscribers and commenters you can save time by just clicking on a response and it will auto-fill a message you have set up. This saves me so much time while I am engaging my audience, and this is so important to new channels because you need to build your community and responding to comments is extremely helpful in building your subscriber base. I highly recommend TubeBuddy for and one starting or building a YouTube channel!
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