Cyberpunk 2077 – How to Rebind Keys


In Cyberpunk 2077, what makes you a criminal? Well, I suppose trying to rebind the keys. So quick tutorial on how to make it work.

Warning. This tutorial involves editing game configuration files. Make a copy of the original files just in case.

You can use Notepad, but I would recommend downloading a dedicated editor like Notepad++.

Next, you need to find inputUserMappings.xml in Cyberpunk 2077 game files. The files will be located depending on what launcher you are using.

For Steam, it will be one: Steam > steamapps > common > Cyberpunk 2077 > r6 > config.
For Epic games and GoG it’s <path-togame>\r6\config\inputUserMappings.xml

If you cannot find them, just download the Everything search app to make your life a lot easier. It’s available on

So now we have located our configuration file, we can start to rebind the keys. Make a backup copy of the inputUserMappings.xml. And Open it up. 

In this article, I will demonstrate how to Remap the F key. For more examples, take a look at the article at website. Or if you have questions, just leave a comment below.

You can also open the User Settings file for additional key binding combinations, but this is optional. Run this command:

%LOCALAPPDATA%\CD Projekt Red\Cyberpunk 2077\UserSettings.json

Remapping the action F key is probably the most complex because it is used in multiple places for different actions.

How everything works? Every section with open/closed brackets define the action and the key. For example, let’s find a more interesting with the F key. Open the search and type in exactly “IK_F”. Lots of information, but you only want to replace the letter F, in this case, with a Mouse Key. 

Next, we click to open the replace tool. Then, type in the what field: “IK_F” and in the with field: “IK_Mouse5” and then press the Replace All.

At the bottom, you will get a notification that it replaced everything in the entire file. That’s good.

Save the file and close it. To make sure the game does not overwrite the file, make it read-only. Right-click properties and set the attribute. But just in case, a copy of your modifications.

Now, let’s launch the game and look at what we have changed.

Here let’s take a look at this car. As you can see, key binding changed from the F key to the Mouse key to enter the vehicle.

Although to Exit the vehicle, it still remains the F key, which you must change in the settings menu. Let’s do it now.

Congratulation, you just became a real-life netrunner by modifying the Cyberpunk 2077 in-game configuration files. 

Now, as we did, a full rebind for the F key. You can customize and change the other keys you want. Currently locked keys include the arrow keys, I, O, J, K, M, P, and possibly others. I will try to update the article with more information in the future.

Below you will find a list of keys that are locked

Inventory keys


<mapping name=”Inventory_Button” type=”Button” >
        <button id=”IK_I” />
        <button id=”IK_Pad_Back_Select” />


<mapping name=”OpenInventoryMenu_Button” type=”Button” >
        <button id=”IK_O” />


<mapping name=”OpenPerksMenu_Button” type=”Button” > 
        <button id=”IK_P” />


<mapping name=”OpenJournalMenu_Button” type=”Button” > 
        <button id=”IK_J” />


<mapping name=”OpenCraftingMenu_Button” type=”Button” > 
        <button id=”IK_K” />

Vehicle movement

“name”: “vehicleAccelerate”,
“type”: “name”,
“value”: “IK_E”,
“default_value”: “IK_W”

“name”: “vehicleDecelrate”,
“type”: “name”,
“value”: “IK_D”,
“default_value”: “IK_S”

“name”: “vehicleSteerRight”,
“type”: “name”,
“value”: “IK_F”,
“default_value”: “IK_D”

“name”: “vehicleSteerLeft”,
“type”: “name”,
“value”: “IK_S”,
“default_value”: “IK_A”

Character movement

“name”: “forward”,
“type”: “name”,
“value”: “IK_E”,
“default_value”: “IK_W”

“name”: “back”,
“type”: “name”,
“value”: “IK_D”,
“default_value”: “IK_S”

“name”: “left”,
“type”: “name”,
“value”: “IK_S”,
“default_value”: “IK_A”

“name”: “right”,
“type”: “name”,
“value”: “IK_F”,
“default_value”: “IK_D”

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