Evoland 2 giveaway #1
This time we are giving away 3 copies of Evoland 2. If you want to participate just join the giveaway below.
Get a #free Steam game! Win a copy of Evoland 2! 3x copies for grabs. In this 3 Week Tarantulo.lt giveaway! We don’t have a lot of participants so you will have good chances of winning a game! Participate in Evoland 2 giveaway!
Evoland 2 is a unique RPG, with its graphic style and gameplay changing as you progress through a deep storyline based on time travel.
More: https://store.steampowered.com/app/359310/Evoland_2/
Giveaway starts on 09/16/2019 06:20 AM ends 10/09/2019 06:00 AM.
To win you must remain a Youtube subscriber!
The prize 3x Steam CD keys for the games:
- 3x Evoland 2
Everyone is eligible to enter. Only one entry per person. Three winners will be chosen randomly by Social Boost platform.
The winner will be informed by contact information submitted by signing up for the contest and the prize will be delivered during 7 working days