Hearthstone – Defeating Heroic Sapphiron
|In this video of Hearthstone I finally defeath the Boss. The Heroic Sapphiron. He is one of the most difficult bosses in the game. So be ready for a tuff fight. But with the right deck it will get easier.
First things first, below you will find picture of my Hearthstone deck I have used to defeat Heroic Sapphiron. Secondly there are some tips what I have learnt by playing 7 times against this boss.
So here is the list:
- Always try to remove the minions from the table first. Dont attack the face if Sapphiron still has some minions left.
- Use your spell to your advantage, try to remove minions in the most efficient way possible.
- You can even let the minion attack if it will let you get a better combo.
- And the last ingredient is luck. You will probably will not get it first time. But it might help.
Starting Hand
- Bluegill Warrior
- Arcane Shot
- Wolfrider
- Freezing Trap
Kill everything and deal damage till the boss drops dead.
Key Cards:
Explosive Trap – Use to take out Faerie Dragon, Loot Hoarder or use it to finish of the other minnions. Hunter’s Mark makes it event a better combo to remove big minnions.
Multishot – Use for Skeletal Smith/ Shade of Naxxramas
Bluegill Warrior – Use for Faerie Dragon or to finish off
Wolfrider – For Skeletal Smith/ Shade of Naxxramas
Antique Healbot – To keep you alive if you feel like you need it, get 2x of them.
Eaglehorn Bow – Use it to deal as much damage as possible keep it alive with secret, but beware of Skeletal Smith, because he can destroy your weapon.
Deadly shot – save this Necroknight or Spectral knight
Necroknight – wait till this minion is surounded by other minion only then kill him. Use Wolfrider + Kill Command.
The Hearthstone deck is based on this deck with a few slight modifications.
[youtube id=”rCC1bvNDMU4″ width=”600″ height=”340″ position=”left”]