The Top 30 Dumbest Questions Ever Asked Online

The Top 30 Dumbest Questions Ever Asked Online

This post will be the funniest thing on my Youtube channel. At least what I made kinda at least partly myself. So please go ahead click and watch or read if you prefer that.

  1. Should I tell my parents I’m adopted?
  2. Do midgets have night vision?
  3. If I eat myself will I get twice as big or disappear completely?
  4. Does it take 18 months for twins to be born? or 9?
  5. Do you think NASA invented thunderstorms to cover up the sound of space battles?
  6. I swallowed an ice cube whole, and I haven’t pooped it out?
  7. How big is the specific ocean?
  8. How am I sure I’m the real mom of my kid?
  9. Is there a pill that’ll make me gay?
  10. Is there a spell to become a mermaid that actually works?
  11. “Help! I cannot take off my mother’s bra and she’s gonna be home in 5 minutes!!! The mirror doesn’t help much!?”
  12. Wtf is obamas last name? Does anyone know?
  13. “Is it okay to boil headphones?”
  14. “I was bitten by a turtle when I was a young lad, should I still drink orange juice?”
  15. What incantations work best for summoning Jesus?
  16. Is there any possible way of making 2+2=5?
  17. Are chickens considered animals or birds?
  18. Is it possible for tattos to get passed on genetically from parent to child?
  19. If I shave my golden retriever like a lion, will the other dogs respect him more?
  21. Where do lost socks go when they do missing?
  22. Girlfriend ain’t had period since getting pregnant?
  23. Does looking at a picture of the sun hurt your eyes?
  24. At what age does a boy period start?
  25. Why doesn’t the Earth fall down?
  26. If batman parents are died, then how was he born?
  27. Is an egg a fruit or a vegetable?
  28. I made Jesus shaped pancakes but I burnt them. Am I going to hell?
  29. What would happen if I hired 2 private investigators to follow each other?
  30. Is throwing your hair in the garbage safe?

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